Thursday, 30 May 2013

Fiddlesticks: The Harbringer of Doom items , skills build , strategies and guides

Fiddlesticks: The Harbringer of Doom items , skills build and guides

 Fiddlesticks Skills: 

Passive Skill: Dread
 The magic resist of nearby enemies reduced by 10.

First skill:Terrify
Strikes the target unit with fear, causing it to flee in terror for duration.

Second skill: Drain
Fiddlesticks saps the life force of an enemy and deals damage to a target over time and healing himself.

Third skill: Dark wind
A wisp of wind strikes an enemy unit and then bounces to nearby enemy units, dealing damage and silencing the victims.

Ultimate skill: Crowstorm
 A murder of crows flock wildly around Fiddlesticks, dealing damage each second to all enemy units in the area.

Fiddlesticks items Build : 

Fiddlesticks skills build: 

Level 1: third skill
Level 2: second skill
Level 3: first skill
Level 4: second skill
Level 5: second skill
Level 6: ultimate
Level 7: second skill
Level 8: first skill
Level 9: second skill
Level 10: first skill
Level 11: ultimate
Level 12: first skill
Level 13: third skill
Level 14: first skill
Level 15: third skill
Level 16: ultimate
Level 17: third skill
Level 18: third skill

Remember : The game is depends on the player who cooperate. If your team have a team work, then the game will become successful. This is only a short guide about the abilities and items build for Fiddlesticks and it depends on you if you follow the tips and the items I suggest. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have a comments and suggestions. Feel free to throw comments on my blog. Thank you.


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