Friday 31 May 2013

Irelia: The will of the blades items, skills build ,strategies and guides

Irelia: The will of the blades items, skills build ,strategies and guides

Irelia Skills :

First skill: Bladesurge

Irelia dashes forward to strike her target. If it kills the target, Blade surge’s cooldown refreshes and refunds 35 mana.

Second skill: Hiten Style
Irelia is skilled in the art of Hiten, passively giving her physical attacks health restoratio. Activating Hiten Style gives her basic attacks true damage for a short period.

 Third skill: Equilibrium Strike
Irelia's attack balances the scales, dealing damage and slowing the target. However, if the target has a higher health percent that Irelia, the blow stuns the target instead.

Ultimate skill:  Transcendent Blades
Irelia summons 4 spirit blades that she can fling to deal physical damage and siphon life from enemies they pass through.

 Irelia Items Build : 

Skills build : 
Level 1 : second skill
Level 2: third skill
Level 3: first skill
Level 4: second skill
Level 5: second skill
Level 6: ultimate
Level 7: second skill
Level 8: third skill
Level 9: second skill
Level 10: third skill
Level 11: Ultimate
Level 12: third skill
Level 13: third skill
Level 14: first skill
Level 15: first skill
Level 16: ultimate
level 17: first skill
Level 18: first skill

Remember: The game is depends on the player who cooperate. If your team have a team work, then the game will become successful. This is only a short guide about the abilities and items build for Irelia and it depends on you if you follow the tips and the items I suggest. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have a comments and suggestions. Feel free to throw comments on my blog. Thank you.

Heimerdinger : The Revered Inventor items, skills build, strategies and guides

Heimerdinger : The Revered Inventor items, skills build, strategies and guides


Heirmerdinger skills: 

Passive skill: Techmaturgical Repair Bots
Heimerdinger gives allied Turrets and champions increased Health Regeneration.

First skill: H-28G Evolution Turret
Heimerdinger lays down a machine gun turret. Turrets gain abilities as this skill is increased.

Second Skill: Hextech Micro Rockets
Heimerdinger blows a long range rockets that hit the enemies closest to Heimerdinger.

Third skill: Ch-1 Concussion Granade
Heimerdinger lobs a grenade at a location, dealing damage to enemy units as wll as stunning anyone directly hit and binding surrounding enemy.

Ultimate skill: Upgrade
Passive/Active: Passively Increases cooldown reduction. Activate to heal all active evolution turrets and cause them to fire frost shots that reduce movement of speed of the enemy for a short time.

Heimerdinger Items Build : 

Heimerdinger Skills Build : 

Level 1 : first skill
Level 2: second skill
Level 3: third skill
Level 4: first skill
Level 5: first skill
Level 6: ultimate
Level 7: second skill
Level 8: second skill
Level 9: second skill
Level 10: first skill
Level 11: ultimate
Level 12: first skill
Level 13: seconds kill
Level 14: third skill
Level 15: third skill
Level 16: ultimate
Level 17: third skill
Level 18: thirds kill

Remember : The game is depends on the player who cooperate. If your team have a team work, then the game will become successful. This is only a short guide about the abilities and items build for Heimerdinger and it depends on you if you follow the tips and the items I suggest. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have a comments and suggestions. Feel free to throw comments on my blog. Thank you.