Thursday, 30 May 2013

Fizz : The Tidal Trickster items , skills build , strategies and guides

Fizz : The Tidal Trickster items , skills build , strategies and guides

Fizz Skills :

Passive skill: Nimble fighter

First Skill: Urchin Strike
Fizz strikes his target and runs them through, dealing magic damage and applying on hi effects.

Second skill: Seastone trident

Fizz's trident causes rending wounds in his opponents, dealing magic damage to the target based on their missing health.

Third skill: Playful/ Trickster
Fizz hops into the air, landing gracefully upon his spear becoming invulnerable. From this position, Fizz can either slam the ground or choose to jump again before smashing back down.


Ultimate: Chum of the waters
Fizz unleashes a magical fish that latches onto enemies or hovers over terrain, slowing champions if it is latched on to them. After a brief delay, a shark erupts form beneath , dealing damage to enemies around the fish and knocking them aside.

Items Build : 

Skills Build : 
Level 1: second skill
Level 2: first skill
Level 3: third skill
Level 4: second skill
Level 5: second skill
Level 6: ultimate
Level 7: second skill
Level 8: first skill
Level 9: second skill
Level 10: first skill
Level 11: ultimate
Level 12: first skill
Level 13: first skill
Level 14: third skill
Level 15: third skill
Level 16: ultimate
Level 17: third skill
Level 18: third skill

Remember : The game is depends on the player who cooperate. If your team have a team work, then the game will become successful. This is only a short guide about the abilities and items build for Fizz and it depends on you if you follow the tips and the items I suggest. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have a comments and suggestions. Feel free to throw comments on my blog. Thank you.

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