Sunday 26 May 2013

Anivia: The Cryophoenix(buids and guides)

 Anivia : The Cryophoenix

Passive Skill: Rebirth
Upon dying,  Anivia will transform into an egg.  If the egg can stay alive for six seconds, Anivia will gloriously reborn.

First skill : Flash Frost
 Anivia brings wings together and summons a sphere of ice that flies towards Anivia’s enemy, chilling and damaging anyone in its path. When the lance explodes it does moderate damage in a radius, stunning anyone in the area.


 Second Skill: Crystallize
 Anivia condenses the moisture in the air into an impassable wall of ice to block all movement. The wall only lasts a short duration before it melts.

Third skill: Frostbite
With a flap of her wings, Anivia blasts a glacial gust of wind at her target, dealing a medium amount of damage. If the target has been slowed by an ice effect, the damage they take is doubled.

Fourth Skill : Glacial Storm
 A summons a driving of hoarfrost and hail to damage her enemies and slow their advance.

Anivia Items Build : 

 Anivia Skills Build

Level 1: first skill
Level 2: third skill
Level 3: third skill
Level 4: second skill
Level 5: third skill
Level 6: Ultimate
Level 7: third skill
Level 8: first skill
Level 9: third skill
Level 10: first skill
Level 11: Ultimate
Level 12: first skill
Level 13: first skill
Level 14: second skill
Level 15: second skill
Level 16: Ultimate
Level 17: second skill
Level 18: second skill

Remember : 

Remember : The game is depends on the player who cooperate. If your team have a team work, then the game will become successful. This is only a short guide about the abilities and items build for Anvia and it depends on you if you follow the tips and the items I suggest. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have a comments and suggestions. Feel free to throw comments on my blog. Thank you.

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