Sunday 26 May 2013

Annie: The Dark Child (Builds and Guides)

Annie: The Dark Child

Passive Skill: Pyromania
 After Annie finished casting 4 spells, Annie's next offensive spell will stun the target for 1.75 seconds.

 First Skill: Disintegrate
Annie huls mana -infused fireball with  damage and refunding the mana charge if it destroys the target.

 Second skill : Incinerate
 Annie throw a burning cone of flames, dealing damage to all enemies in the spot.

Third skill : Molten Shield
 Increases Annie's Armor and Magic resist damages 

Ultimate skill: Summon: Tibbers
Annie summons her bear Tibbers to life anddealing damage to units in the area. Tibbers can strike and also burns enemies that place near him. 

 Skill build : 

Level 1:  first skill
Level 2:  second skill
Level 3:  second skill
Level 4:  third skill
Level 5:  second skill
Level 6:  ultimate
Level 7:  second skill
Level 8:  first skill
Level 9:  second skill
Level 10: first skill
Level 11: Ultimate
Level 12: first skill
Level 13: first skill
Level 14: third skill
Level 15: third skill
Level 16: Ultimate
Level 17: third skill
Level 18: third skill

 Items Build : 

Remember : The game is depends on the player who cooperate. If your team have a team work, then the game will become successful. This is only a short guide about the abilities and item build for Annie and it depends on you if you follow the tips and the items I suggest. Thank you for reading my blog. If you have a comments and suggestions. Feel free to throw comments on my blog. Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. any suggestion ?..feel free to throw comments on my comment box..
